Wednesday, January 17th, 2018
NV State Governor’s Race Heating Up. Community Donates Heavily to Democrat Candidates

With primary elections a few months away, the candidates for the Office of the Governor are frantically raising funds for one of the most noticeable 2018 political race, the Nevada State Governor. As of December 2017, the local Indian sub-continent community has donated approximately $109,000 to the three leading candidates for the Governor, with Democrat Steve Sisolak leading in a money game, followed by Democrat Chris Giunchigliani and Republican Adam Laxalt. Interestingly most of the donors are the first time donors to any of the political campaigns. Most of theRead More
Rajan Zed to open both Iowa Senate & House with Hindu prayers

On February 26, both Iowa State Senate and House of Representatives in Des Moines will start their respective sessions with Hindu mantras, containing verses from world’s oldest existing scripture. Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, who is based in Reno (Nevada), will deliver the invocations from ancient Sanskrit scriptures before the Iowa Senate and House. After Sanskrit delivery, he then will read the English translation of the prayers. Sanskrit is considered a sacred language in Hinduism and root language of Indo-European languages. Zed, who is the President of Universal Society ofRead More