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Wednesday, June 5th, 2024


Celebrating Guru Vandana (Teacher’s appreciation and Facilitation) in Las Vegas by Hindu Swayamsevak Sangha

The First or second week of May rolls around each year in the United States, schools buzz with appreciation for the dedicated educators who shape the minds of tomorrow. It’s a time when students express gratitude through heartfelt notes, thoughtful gestures, and sometimes even special lunches organized by parent-teacher associations. But for the Hindu American community, the celebration extends beyond appreciation to the Worship of the Teacher or ‘Guru’. It’s the celebration of “Guru Vandana” (Teacher Veneration). What is Guru Vandana? In Sanskrit, “Guru” signifies a teacher, spiritual guide, orRead More

Maryam Raja to Represent Nevada at the 2024 Western Governors’ Leadership Institute

Maryam Raja, a UNLV Brookings Public Policy Minor (BPPM) undergraduate and student researcher for The Lincy Institute and Brookings Mountain West, will represent Nevada at the 2024 Western Governors’ Leadership Institute (WGLI). The WGLI is a prestigious program developed by the Western Governors’ Association to recognize and promote the effective exercise of leadership by young adults across the West. UNLV and BPPM alumni Peter Grema will join Maryam as a Nevada delegate. Maryam and Peter will engage with student delegates across the West at the 2024 Annual Meeting of theRead More

Four Indian-American Students Named College Sponsored National Merit Scholarship Winners

National Merit Scholarship Corporation is pleased to announce the College-Sponsored Merit Scholarship Winners for the college academic year beginning fall of 2024. Officials of each sponsor college selected their scholarship winners from among the Finalists in the 2024 National Merit Scholarship Program who plan to attend their institution. These awards provide between $500 and $2,000 annually for up to four years of undergraduate study at the institution financing the scholarship. This year college sponsored winners include four Indian-American students, two from Las Vegas and Reno, respectively.  Unnatee Kumar is graduating fromRead More