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Monday, November 25th, 2024



The Investigative Committee of the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners has a reasonable basis to believe that Dr. Sachit Priya Das, M.D., has violated the Nevada Medical Practices Act.Per the complaint, Dr. Das is accused of one count of Medical Malpractice and another of failure to maintain complete medical records.  Per the report, a patient was admitted to the Mountainview Hospital for abdominal pain, nausea, and malaise. While at the Mountainview, the patient was found to have an elevated white blood cell count, indicative of possible infection, and bloodRead More

Federal Court Jury Finds Ajay Dayal Committed Fraud

Ajay Dayal and his now-defunct companies (Quantified Investment Group, Quantified Capital Group, etc.) hired Eric Neeraj Kohli in 2019. They gave Eric amenities typically associated with a job, like an office, a work email address, a reserved parking spot, etc. After six weeks of working but no paycheck, Eric concluded that Dayal had no intention of paying him. Eric soon filed suit in federal court for breach of the employment contract, violations of the Federal Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) and Nevada Wage and Hour Laws (“NWHL”), unjust enrichment, and fraud.Read More

Hindus seek incorporation of Gita wisdom along with Bible in Texas schools

Hindus feel that it is fine to incorporate Bible teachings in Texas elementary public schools as long as wisdom from ancient Sanskrit scripture Bhagavad-Gita is also included.  Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, who has read invocations in Fort Worth City Council and US Senate and US House of Representatives, in a statement in Nevada today, said that Bhagavad-Gita was a historically significant document, recognized throughout the world, and was a treasure that should be taught in elementary public school classrooms in Texas. This sacred text was plainly the word of God spoken by Lord Krishna himself.  VariousRead More

UNR Engineering Professor Dev Chidambaram partners with UNLV and University of Houston on project to reduce carbon emissions in the iron industry

The Chemical & Materials Engineering faculty member Prof. Dev Chidambaram is working with the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) and the University of Houston on a project to pull iron out of iron ore using electricity rather than traditional methods, which impact the environment. Of course, the fictional Tony Stark doesn’t actually need iron to save humanity, but he is an engineer with an interest in applying technological solutions to global concerns, such as air quality. Chidambaram and his colleagues are addressing air quality and other issues in the iron industryRead More