Election 2018 – Meet the Candidates Forum
An informed Community is an engaged community. Election 2018 – SAPNA – South Asian Political Network Alliance invites you to a Meet the Candidates event to meet your future elected representatives. The event will be held at the newly opened Shiraz Restaurant on Friday, October 19th from 5 pm to 8 pm. FREE Event with complimentary food.
To engage the Indian sub-continent community in political decision making SAPNA is holding an evening of “Meet the Candidates” event for informed voting decisions in the crucial upcoming election. The FREE event is open to the entire Las Vegas community and many of the sponsors are providing with the complimentary food.
Please bring your friends and prospective voters to this important event. The event is sponsored by Paul Padda Law and www.vegasdesi.com
Early voting starts on Saturday, October 20th, 2018.