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Election 2014: South Asian Candidates Unable to Cross Primaries

In just concluded low turnout election, the four South Asian candidates were unable to cross the primaries finish line.

The courageous four, Vick Gill, Sanje Sedera, Fayyaz Raja and Swadeep Nigam, had an incredible six-month campaign journey to market their political beliefs. 

Vick Gill (R) ran for Senate 9 seat against three other Republican candidates.  Senate 9 seat is still the most watched race in the State as the control of the State Senate rests upon who wins the general election in November.  The Democrat incumbent is awash in cash and will be able to mobilize the Democrat base to retain the control of Senate in Democratic hands.  Vick Gill spent over $150,000 on the much watched competitive race.

Sanje Sedera and Fayyaz Raja, both Democrats, ran for the same NV State Assembly seat.  In the past, both Sanje and Fayyaz have dedicated their resources to build a formidable group of Asian Democrats, but the Democratic State Assembly Caucus endorsed another candidate in the race.  Both, Sanje and Fayyaz have been active in everything Democrat.

Swadeep Nigam (R) ran for a non-partisan University Board of Regents seat against an incumbent Chairman of the University System with an agenda to put a stop to out of control rising college cost.

The biggest challenge for the candidates was fund raising.  Las Vegas South Asian community raised over $100,000 for the established candidates, however, the same donors were not enthusiastic about funding campaigns for our own community candidates.  Infact, most of the money donated to the established political elite was used against our community candidates.

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