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Hindu Mandir’s Annus Horribilis – Walk Through the Terrible 2024

3 Comments to Hindu Mandir’s Annus Horribilis – Walk Through the Terrible 2024

  1. Disappointed+with+temple+leadership says:

    My hats off to Vegas Desi for a detailed summary to inform newbies like me on what has happened at our hallowed temple. Hopefully, the Fab5 trustees respond point by point on their rebuttal rather than just threaten you with another lawsuit or send us a generic eblast like the prior one simply saying the ‘the attorney check of $200,000 with one signature to that same person’s attorney was as per procedures’. No single person has that authority in the real world and besides why would you do that. Have some one else sign the check to your attorney! They probably have attorneys on speed dial. I don’t trust media readily so would love to read their rebuttal but what you write here seems very credible. Of course, community has lost respect in the leadership of temple and these otherwise distinguished people should move on and allow fresh leadership to take charge. These Fab5 seem successful in their private ventures so focus on that and not mess up the temple. God is watching!

    • peter says:

      The worst is the funds belong to donors like us who donated $10 ,$100 to GOD for spiritual activities and sustainability of day today affairs. Paying attorney with one signature is the epitome of arrogance and middle finger attitude to the entire society. How can a person donate $50K ,become trusty and destroy temple?? there needs to be a different criteria’s other than money -to be the trustee -the only criteria should be who can serve temple like a servant of GOD??

  2. Peter says:

    Hindu temple is hijacked by one person – JANGA. He wants to close the temple , sell the land and build apartment complex with partnership of the trustees supporting his vision. People of Las Vegas demand resignation of these low life trustees and free the temple ” Sanatan dharma temple” the only one in Las Vegas. I pray God to punish these monstors !!they have lost moral , trust and integrity to continue running the affairs of temple – instead should be remorseful and apologized the GOD if not public.

    People want – weekly Sanatan discourses, yoga, meditation courses, children education , Sunday lunches etc etc. We lost $350k dollars ( litigation $300k plus 35k – unproductive structure ) could be use for parking construction. Gods have left the temple for sure —

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