Hon. Congressman Dr. Joe Heck Meets South Asian Community
In a well-attended luncheon event Congressman Dr. Joe Heck had an opportunity to talk about the ongoing economic and health care issues.
Dr. Heck spoke about legislation that he is supporting which is designed to renew economic prosperity and create new jobs. Dr. Heck also spoke about corporate bailouts, using the General Motors bankruptcy as one example.
He mentioned how the system failed to allow fixing the long term financial problems and how the labor costs are going to hound GM down the road.
In Congress, Dr. Heck has supported the balance budget amendment. On immigration issues he is firmly pushing for retaining educated professionals in the country, after they graduate from US universities. Dr. Heck strongly supports the R&D in renewable energy and talked about the Eldorado Valley solar project.
Also, Dr. Heck recognized Mr. Jay Singh for allowing him to work in Mr. Singh’s 7-11 stores during his “Joe knows Jobs” tour across the Congressional District 3. Dr. Heck emphasized his economic agenda of low taxes, civil liberties, personal freedom and empowers the small businesses to create new jobs.
Dr. Heck discussed health care bill consisting of more bad things than he good things. As a Physician he supports no pre-existing conditions and lifetime limit in the bill. He supports the overhaul of Medicare so that the program will be sustainable, the goal being to protect the program for today’s seniors and preserve the program at the same time for the future seniors.