Independence Day Celebrations go Virtual. Message from the Friends of India President Mahendra Mehta

Dear valued members:
I am sure you and your loved ones are taking all the necessary precautions to stay safe during these trying times of COVID-19 pandemic. Since the phased reopening, there is a resurgence of the COVID -19 cases in Nevada and in Clark County.
We have two important events planned for the rest of 2020. Indian Independence day in August and Diwali in November. Though it is too early to make a decision on the Diwali event, it is not too early to decide on the upcoming Indian Independence Day event. Keeping in mind the current situation and the Health and safety of our community, Friends Of India is canceling the planned in-person Independence day event at the Sierra Vista High school, scheduled for Saturday, August 15th.
The event is hosted on Youtube Live and on Facebook. OR

Rather than hosting the in-person Independence Day event, the executive committee has decided to host this event virtually on Saturday, August 15th, 2020, at 5:00 pm on Youtube Live and Zoom. This way we celebrate India’s independence day from the comforts of our living rooms without the risk of exposing ourselves or spreading the virus. At the same time provide an opportunity for local talent to shine. Additionally, this year your club is honoring students from our community with a scholarship and an art competition. Please encourage your children to actively participate in these cultural and scholarly activities.
We look forward to your enthusiastic participation to make this virtual event a huge success.
Mahendra Mehta, President – Friends of India