Sharvari Gupta and Santosha Veeramachaneni Awarded College Sponsored National Merit Scholarship
In remarkable academic achievements of Indian American community youth, the National Merit Scholarship Corp has announced Sharvari Gupta and Santosha Veeramachaneni, both Clark High School seniors, the recipient of 2016 College-Sponsored National Merit Scholarship.
Beginning Fall 2017, Sharvari is joining the University of Texas at Dallas to pursue a degree in Accounting, while Santosha is joining Virginia Commonwealth University to pursue a career in Medicine.
National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) announced over 3200 National Merit Scholarships winners financed by U.S. colleges and universities. Officials of each sponsor college selected their scholarship winners from among the Finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Program who will attend their institution.
College-sponsored awards provide between $500 and $2,000 annually for up to four years of undergraduate study at the institution financing the scholarship. The recipients are a part of the distinguished group of about 7,500 high school seniors who will receive National Merit Scholarships for college undergraduate study worth over $32 million.
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