January, 2019
Paul Padda Law Donates Gas Cards to Affected Federal Employees
In an ongoing commitment to give back to the community, Paul Padda Law is giving gas cards to federal employees affected by the government shutdown. Paul is encouraging all Nevada Attorneys to give their support to these dedicated workers. Paul Padda Law has organized an event on Sunday, January 27th from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM to hand out gas cards to federal employees. If you would like to donate gas cards or make a contribution please contact the office of Paul Padda Law. Call the office at (702) 366-1888 orRead More
Saraswati Puja by Bengali Association of Nevada
Bengali Association of Nevada invites you, your family and friends to their annual Saraswati (Goddess of Knowledge, Music, and Arts) Puja followed by a sumptuous lunch and Indian cultural program on Saturday, February 9th, 2019. For further information, please contact Lipika Mukhopadhyay @ 702.505.3779 or email ba.nevada@gmail.com www.bengalinv.org
Shrimad Bhagwat Katha at the ISKCON of Las Vegas
ISKCON of Las Vegas invites everyone to an earnest and intellectual discourse on Shrimad Bagvat Katha (in Hindi) by visiting Swami Ji H.G. Lal Govind Das, from Saturday, February 2nd, through Friday, February 8th, 2019.
Dr. Suresh Tawney talks about Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
In a health segment of a local TV, Dr. Suresh Tawney of OptumCare discusses the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). As per Dr. Tawney, it is estimated that over 26 million people have COPD, which is preventable and reversible, however, most of those affected are not even aware that they have COPD. In brief, Dr. Tawney explained COPD as an obstruction of air flow from the lungs. As per Dr. Tawney, COPD is the fourth leading cause of disability in America. Symptoms of COPD are shortness of breath, wheezing, chestRead More
Shiraz Restaurant Comes to the Rescue of Federal Employees
In an ongoing commitment to the local Las Vegas community, once again the owner of Shiraz Restaurant is offering assistance to the federal employees who are adversely affected by the on-going shut down political battle. Shiraz is offering a complimentary buffet to affected employees and their families on Wednesdays from 3-6 PM. The only requirement is that employees must show valid federal identification.
Super Bowl Viewing Party at Mint Indian Bistro
Mint Indian Bistro invites the community to join all the football enthusiasts to watch the BIG GAME between Los Angeles Rams and New England Patriots on Sunday, February 3rd, 2018. NO COVER CHARGE Get your game on for Super Bowl LIII on Sunday, February 3rd from 3-7 PM, at the Mint Indian Bistro’s spacious restaurant in Spring Valley, Las Vegas. Gather your friends and watch the game, from kick-off to the final play, on eight High Definition 4K TV screens, and on a giant projector screen. There is NO COVER CHARGERead More
Bollywood Night at Shiraz Indian Restaurant
DJ Ali in collaboration with Shiraz Restaurant invites you to an evening of Bollywood Night on Friday, January 25th. NO COVER CHARGE. Drinks specials along with Indian Tapas.
Paul Padda Law Donates $33,000 to Cheyenne High School
In an ongoing commitment towards the philanthropic program and to socially invest in the local Las Vegas community, Paul Padda Law donates $33,000 to Cheyenne High School which has a diverse student body in North Las Vegas. The donation will help much-needed support for ACT test preparation, to purchase a new scorer’s table and football pads, and to aid the marching band. Padda’s partners in the donation were David Moradi, founder, and CEO of Sero Capital, LLC, and founder of the David Moradi Foundation; and Dr. Jaswinder Grover of the Allegiant Institute. PaulRead More
SAPNA’s Monthly Luncheon with Clark County Commissioner Tick Segerblom
SAPNA – South Asian Political Network Alliance invites you to its monthly luncheon with guest speaker newly elected Clark County Commissioner Tick Segerblom, on Saturday, January 19th, at India Oven/Masala Restaurant, 1040 East Flaming Road [On Flamingo, West of Maryland Parkway]