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Cookies Calories Deception by Sunil and Aneesha Tolani’s Red Velvet Café

Too many cookies are OK if there are only 27 calories per cookie, but in the name of healthy mouth-watering cookies, Sunil and AneeshaTolani are not telling the complete story. 


Jane Ann Morrison of the Review Journal digs deeper and reports that Red Velvets cookies have 5.8 times more calories (157 calories per cookie) than Tolanis’ claim…Please click here for the complete story. 


Revisiting the Cookies Calories – second article by RJ Columnist Jane Ann Morrison.


Some of the comments posted by RJ readers denounce the owner’s deceptive advertising.

One Comment to Cookies Calories Deception by Sunil and Aneesha Tolani’s Red Velvet Café

  1. vixvegas says:

    Too much of ANY good thing cannot be good for you! These cookies and the food at Red Velvet are based on FRESH, HEALTHY ingredients- If you hog down and over eat, you deserve to gain weight In the interest of maintaining a fresh and healthy alternative, I’ve been a happy and satisfied customer of Red Velvet since the actual day it opened…..And will continue to be.

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