Divine Harmony with Swami Shreekalpji
Swami Shreekalp has been visiting Las Vegas almost every six months and have successfully conducted several Divine Harmony workshops. The next workshop is scheduled for Sunday, April 10th.
This has been a word of mouth event without any mass marketing. “Live and HELP others to Live” is the message that they would like to pass on for the benefit of humanity. Swami Shreekalp has more to offer as he has a practical and contemporary approach to Spirituality. This approach is giving him the edge and has a struck a chord with many of his followers now from India, Europe, USA and Canada. As some of you have met and may already know Swami Shreekalpji is the son of Jagadguru Narendracharyaji Maharaj from Nanij in Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra.
Is constant stress, fatigue, pain and worry keeping you from doing the things you want to? Are you tired of taking pain medications and still not finding relief? Then there might be more than what meets the eye! Stress and pain can create energy blocks making it difficult for your body to recuperate and rejuvenate naturally as it is supposed to. Medications may send signals to temporarily block the pain and steer signals but as the medicine wears out the pain and stress comes back. The cycle continues because we are too busy and just want a quick fix. Medications keep getting stronger and stronger and create new side effects and wears down the body’s natural mechanisms. Are you eager to find out what the underlying cause for this pain and suffering is? Maybe it’s time to look deeper into your soul and relax a little bit. Give that body a chance to heal naturally. It’s time for some soul searching under the Spiritual guidance of Swami Shreekalp.
With the practical spiritual guidance of Swami Shreekalp you can connect with your soul to facilitate a smooth flow of energy within you. He will guide you further to discover True Love, Happiness and Knowledge. Guruji is on a U.S.A and Canada tour in the month of April 2016. .
Spiritual discourse Divine Harmony is open to people of all denominations and you’re invited to attend and check out his Energy workshop.
Please join the followers of Swami Ji, on April 10th from 1pm -3 pm, for a Divine Harmony with Shreekalp at The Unity Center in the Valley 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Las Vegas NV, 89120
Dress comfortably and bring a yoga mat! This is a very interactive session. One on one session is available by appointment only
Disclaimer- Always check your physician first if this right for you.
For further information on the program, please contact Rajani Phalke 702-416-3148