Ramakrishna Vedanta Center of Las Vegas
Ramakrishna Vedanta Center of Las Vegas invites you to their center for spiritual offerings.
The center was founded by Late Swami Swahananda of the Ramakrishna Order in Southern California as part of his felt mission to start centers in several cities. Currently, Swami Atmavidyananda from Southern California, who visits center once a month, is the guiding force for the center.
Wednesday, January 14th 2015 at 5pm – Lecture on “What is Enlightenment” by Swami Vedarupananda followed by Potluck Supper at 7pm
For further information, please visit www.vedantalasvegas.org. Ramakrishna Vedanta Center of Las Vegas is located at 10732 Balsam Creek , Las Vegas 89144. SwamiAV@vedantalasvegas.org Phone: 702-646-4889
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