Sharath Chandra appointed to Nevada Real Estate Division administrator
Sharath Chandra, the newly appointed administrator of the Nevada Real Estate Division, housed under the Nevada Department of Business and Industry, found his calling to public service during his college days and still carries that torch with him today.
“I really don’t have any set plans as to this is where I want to be five years from now,” Chandra said. “I think anywhere I can be of service in the state — enhance something or improve upon something is where I plan to be.”
In Chandra’s new position as administrator of the real estate division, which he was appointed to in August, improvement is already in the works. Chandra’s goal is to better connect the agency to the real estate industry.
Sharath Chandra. Photo Courtesy: Business Press
“The goal is, for one thing, education,” Chandra said. “Education is important. I think it’s how we prevent people from making mistakes.” Continue here
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