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South Asian Community Donates Substantial Amount to Political Campaigns…Check Out Who is Donating Whom

With an uber-toxic political environment gripping the local elections along with a mutiny within the two major parties, the Indian & Pakistani community is trying to pick winners in an ongoing battle for the political supremacy by donating copious amounts to their favored candidates.

Early voting is already in progress and with an expected low voter turnout, it is almost an impossible task to guess who all will be our next elected political leaders in the corridors of power – from Carson City to Washington DC.

The detailed analysis of political donations from the Las Vegas Indian Pakistani community shows many of the donors are donating across the party lines while many of them have never donated to the political campaigns in the past.  Some of the donors have never voted in the past elections and are still not registered to vote in Clark County.

The leading donor in 2018 is Dr. Raj Chanderraj’s Nevada Heart and Vascular and groups Physicians who have collectively donated a copious amount to the front-runners for the County Commission.  Newly appointed County Commissioner James Gibson received over $22,000 while County Commission Candidate Tick Segerblom, in a bitter fight with a union-backed candidate, received over $25,500 from Dr. Chanderraj’s group.

For the five-month period ending May 22, 2018, the local community donated close to $160,000 to 11 candidates.  Dr. & Mrs. Nagy topped the list of donors totaling $25,950 to five front-runners.

Irrespective of the donors’ party affiliation, most of the political donations from the members of the Indian sub-continent went to Democrats with Steve Sisolak, a candidate for NV Governor, raking up more than $29,500 during the period beginning January 2018 through May 22, 2018.  This is in addition to over $85,000 donated to Steve Sisolak in 2017.  It appears that the community is betting on Steve Sisolak, Democrat, to be our next Governor.

Followed by Steve Sisolak is Tick Segerblom, a candidate for the County Commissioner who received over $25,500. Dr. & Mrs. M. Nagy donated $10,000 to Steve Sisolaks’ campaign, followed by $5,000 each from Attorney Farhan Naqvi and Paul Padda Law.  All the donations for Segerblom’s campaign came from Dr. Raj Chanderraj’s Nevada Heart & Vascular, LLP and its Physicians.  Republican front-runner for NV State Governor, Adam Laxalt received less than $7,000 in political donations. Steve Sisolak’s primary opponent Chris Giunchigliani received over $5,500, a small amount compared to the donations to Steve Sisolak.  However, more individuals donated to Chris Giunchigliani, albeit the small amount.

Wes Duncan

Adam Laxalt

Republican Wesley Duncan for Attorney General received $9,450 while his opponent Democrat Aaron Ford racked up $15,650 from Indian Pakistani donors.  The front-runner candidate for Clark County Sheriff, Joe Lombardo raised over $20,000, all from the local Pakistani American community.  In a race for the Nevada Supreme Court justice, the sitting Judge Linda Stiglich received $5,000 each from three law firms/lawyers – Naqvi, Aziz, and Padda.

There are other small political donations made to other lessor known candidates by South Asian community members which are not listed below.  The two Indian American candidates Asheesh Dewan for Governor and T Rao Coca for the University Board of Regents did not report any donation to their respective campaigns.

Here’s the complete donor list for prominent races…

2018 Political Contributions
Candidate for NV State Governor – Steve Sisolak [D]
Active Commercial LLC – Abdus Asif  $    3,000
Ashok Mirchandani           500
Bhupinder Bhatti           500
Chowdhury H. Ahsan        1,000
Ejaz Kamboj           500
Farhan Naqvi        5,000
N. Nafees Nagy        5,000
Nadeem Tariq        1,000
Paul Padda Law PLLC        5,000
Russell & Dipti Shah        1,000
Samir Pancholi        2,018
Shamim Nagy        5,000
Candidate for NV State Governor – Chris Giunchigliani [D]
Alok Pandeya  $           5
Anil Batra           150
Architha Raja             50
Azam Hakim           250
Daraka Sedera           250
Faisal Suba        1,000
George Pillai             55
Hanadi Nadeem           500
Lali Chemplavil           100
Manoj Nath           500
Mohan Inguva             50
Nalini Velayudhan           500
Nasim Dil           200
Raj Chanderraj           500
Ranganath Devati             50
Regi Kunnel           250
Ritu Tripathi           500
Subbarao Govindaraju           250
Sunita Billakanti           200
Vyju Ramaswamy             50
Yalmaz Siddiqui           100
Zahid Hamid             25
Candidate for NV State Governor – Adam Laxalt [R]
Dwarakanath Vuppalapati  $       200
M. Nafees Nagy        2,500
Rahul N. Mediwala           250
Rajesh Shrotriya        1,000
Shamim N. Nagy        2,450
Shruti Basho           250
TOTAL – ADAM LAXALT  $    6,650
Candidate for NV State Attorney General – Wes Duncan [R]
Saroj Singh  $       250
RD Prabhu/Lata Shete MD LTD           500
Raveendra Suryadevara           200
M Nafees Nagy        5,000
Jaswinder Grover        2,000
Deena Pannu           500
Bhupinder Bhatti           500
Ashok Mirchandani           500
TOTAL – WES DUNCAN  $    9,450
Candidate for NV State Attorney General – Aaron Ford [D]
Qamar Faridi  $    1,000
Sabir & Associates, Inc.        1,000
Suba Psychiatry PLLC        1,500
Zaffar Iqbal        1,000
Zia UDDIN Khan           500
Paul Janda        3,000
Muhammad S. Aziz PC        5,000
Harshal Desai           200
Ravi Ramanathan           500
Raja Mehdi           500
Quality Care Consultants           500
Ayesha Mehdi           500
Raj Chanderraj           250
Sanjay Malhotra           200
TOTAL – AARON FORD  $  15,650
Candidate for County Commission – Tick Segerblom [D]
Arjun V. Gururaj MD PC  $    1,500
Branavan Umakanthan        1,500
Chowdhury H. Ahsan        1,500
Deepak Sharma MD LTD        1,500
Ejaz Kamboj           500
Fareed A. Sheikh        1,500
Gautham G. Reddy           250
Nevada Heart & Vascular, LLP      10,000
Paul Padda Law PLLC        1,000
Raj Chanderraj        1,500
Sanjay Malhotra Prof Corp        1,500
Shahabuddin Khan        1,500
Sunil Kalla, MD. PC        1,500
Water Resources Consultants LLC – Ram Janga           500
Candidate for County Commission – Justin Jones [D]
Raj Chanderraj  $       500
Zia U Khan        1,000
M. Nafees Nagy        5,000
R.D. and Lata Prabhu           500
TOTAL – JUSTIN JONES  $    7,000
Candidate for County Commission – James Gibson [D]
Arjun V Gururaj MD PC  $   1,500
Branavan & Preeti Umakanthan       1,500
Chowdhury Ahsan       1,500
Deepak Sharma MD Ltd       1,500
Nevada Heart & Vascular, LLP     10,000
Raj Chanderraj, M.D., Ltd       1,500
Sanjay Malhotra Prof Corp       1,500
Shahabuddin Khan MD Ltd       1,500
Sunil Kalla, MD PC       1,500
Candidate for District Attorney – Steve Wolfson [D]
Paul Padda Law        2,500
Candidate for Supreme Court Justice – Linda Stiglich
Farhan R. Naqvi  $    5,000
Meenaakshi Ramanathan           500
Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Sorrels, Agosto & Aziz        5,000
Paul Padda Law PLLC        5,000
TOTAL  $  15,500
Candidate for Sheriff – Joe Lombardo
Abdus and Riffat Asif  $    1,000
Advanced Pediactrics           250
Aisha Tanveer, M.D., Inc.           250
Amair Z. Qureshi, M.D., Ltd.           250
Aneeqa Akhtar           250
Asma Tahir           250
Azam M. Hakim           500
Deena J. Pannu           500
Farhan R. Naqvi        2,000
Farheen Rasool, M.D.           500
Fozia R. Qazi           250
Irfan Sohail           500
Khalid H. Khan           100
M. Nafees Nagy        1,000
Moniz Dawood        1,000
Muhammad Tufail           250
Munawar A. Qurashi, MD, LLC           250
Nayab M. Zafar           250
Nazia S. Khan           250
Nuzhat Jabeen           250
Pakistani American Nevadans PAC        5,000
Quality Care Consultants, LLC        1,000
Raja A. Majid           500
Seema Anjum MD, Ltd.           250
Shamoon Ahmad           250
Shuja Associates Inc.           250
Sohail Anjum           500
Syed Akbarullah           500
Syed F. Rahmen        1,000
Wahid Professional Service PLLC           250
Zia Khan        1,000


Prior articles on political donations by the local Indian sub-continent community along with a complete list of donors for 2018 election cycle…

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