Ehsaan Vakil Wins a Second Place in the US History Bee

In April, Clark High School senior-to-be Eshaan Vakil won first place in the history and geography categories of National Academic Quiz Tournaments’ Individual Player National Championship Tournament in Chicago and second place in the U.S. History Bee in Washington, D.C. His finish at the history bee was the highest ever by a Nevada student.
Vakil, 17, recalled riding a bus to a quiz bowl-related event with students from other states about four years earlier, when he was in seventh grade.

“They said, ‘Oh, we didn’t know people studied in Las Vegas,’” Vakil said. “The city was looked down upon in the academic world, and it was then I decided to help form the Alliance for Academic Quiz Bowl to help improve education in Nevada.”
“They said, ‘Oh, we didn’t know people studied in Las Vegas,’” Vakil said. “The city was looked down upon in the academic world, and it was then I decided to help form the Alliance for Academic Quiz Bowl to help improve education in Nevada.”
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