Ramesh Gokal Presents Rebuttal to Mr. Nirmalya Chatterjee’s Article on Comparative Policies of Presidential Candidates
Recently, Mr. Chatterjee penned down his political thoughts by comparing the wide range of policies presented by the presidential candidates, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, to win the voters in the competitive race to the White House. Vegasdesi reader Ramesh Gokal has diverse views on the issues impacting the country. Below is the rebuttal received from Mr. Gokal to Chatterjee’s article…
Just in case you’re interested, here are the truths:
It has been proven many times over that when tax rates are reduced, more productivity results in higher revenues for the Government. Even a Democrat (John Kennedy) understood this and proved it. At the very least, please understand that your money is best used by you and not the Government.
- Corporate taxes when increased are simply past on to the consumer. The whole world knows that!
- Reduced corporate taxes allow our corporations to be me more productive through reinvestment.
- Reduced corporate taxes allow our corporations to be more competitive against foreign corporations.
- Remember also that corporations are by and large owned by us, either through direct ownership or stock ownership.
- The less money we give to the Government the more efficient we are.
Every other country charges tariffs on US made products to make our products less competitive with their own. IT IS TIME THAT WE GOT FAIR TRADE POLICIES!
The Affordable Care Act has been anything but affordable. In the beginning the Government subsidized the program and now we are experiencing the high cost of the inefficient Government trying to run our healthcare. President Trump is correct that we have to find a better way!
Legal immigration is the underpinning of the success of America. Illegal immigration will never make our country better. The bill that V P Harris wants to promote would legalize upwards of 5000 immigrants coming in without any restrictions.
Abortion is a very personal and emotional subject and is best left to the people without Government interference or involvement. This is why it is now at the State level allowing the people of each State to make the decision.
While no one disputes that clean air, clean water and a generally clean environment is in the best interest of all people. The Democrats are using this desire of the people to spend funds on things that have never delivered these basics. President Trump’s approach to use all efforts at efficient energy delivery is the right approach.
President Trump has never proposed leaving NATO. However, he has said that the cost for operating NATO should be fairly allocated to all NATO countries. Ever since NATO was formed, we the US Citizens have paid for the majority of the cost of running NATO and most, if not all, of the other member countries have not even paid in their agreed contributions. Democrats love to appease IRAN, CHINA, RUSSIA, PAKISTAN, and other terrorist backed countries. President Trump believes in Peace through Strength and solving international problems through economic threats.
Dear Mr. Gokal,
Appreciate your comments. I want to respond to a few of your remarks:
Your notion that ‘your money is best used by you than the government’ is overly simplistic. Even the staunchest conservatives would not suggest that every individual is responsible for deciding on national defense, police, trash collection, infrastructures, pandemic, etc. That would be pretty chaotic. The democratic process provides for alternatives offered by the political parties and their leaders. People vote for their preferred party or nominee based on their individual preferences or comfort level.
Lowering the corporate taxes will automatically result in corporations investing more is also very simplistic. Corporations have invested when they found economic opportunities regardless of what the tax rates were. Thats how the corporations have grown and thrived. Much of the windfall from lower corporate taxes from 2017 tax cuts were used by the corporations for extra dividends, stock options and share buy backs resulting in rich getting even richer. Meanwhile the national debt has ballooned which all Americans, rich or poor, will have to pay for. A classic ‘trickle down’ economic policy that never worked.
I agree on tariffs in general. But the issue is ‘excessive’ tariff that Mr. Trump has proposed. The Chinese are not stupid. The higher cost for them in the way of higher tariffs will be passed on to the consumers – aka inflation. Mr. Trump tried to fool the Americans when he says that ‘the Chinese will pay for the higher tariff’. It is astonishing how a businessman like Mr. Trump with such a ridiculous belief.
Abortion is an individual decision just like how many children one should have. No State or Federal government should take over such decisions as you are suggesting.
Mr. Trump had a totally chaotic foreign policy that he communicated through his sudden or abrupt tweets. He alienated our allies with his erratic policies. All of his own National Security Advisors, Defense Secretaries, etc. denounced his policies and said that Mr. Trump is unfit for the White House. They were all Republicans.
Thank you.