Dr. Devendra Patel, Cardiologist, Sentenced To Three Years In Prison For Unlawful Distribution Of Opioids

Dr. Devendra I. Patel, aka Devendrakumar I. Patel, a northern Nevada cardiologist was sentenced Tuesday to three years and one month in federal prison for prescribing highly addictive pain pills Oxycodone and Hydrocodone at a high rate to his patients without a medical purpose.
“Medical professionals who violate their oath and the law by prescribing addictive opioids without a legitimate medical purpose will be investigated, prosecuted, and held accountable for their actions,” said U.S. Attorney Trutanich. “The U.S. Attorney’s Office is fully committed to the investigation and prosecution of medical professionals who abuse their position of trust and by a stroke of the pen directly contribute to the opioid crisis.”
“Let those who would betray their oath to do no harm take notice of the penalty for such callous mistreatment of their patients,” said Special Agent in Charge Rouse. “The FBI will continue to work with our law enforcement partners in a unified effort to battle the opioid crisis in the state of Nevada.”
“It is difficult to believe that a physician, sworn to do no harm by his Hippocratic oath, would needlessly prescribe these highly addictive opioid medications,” said Special Agent in Charge Schrank. “Yet our investigation revealed that Dr. Patel did exactly that. Physicians using prescribing privileges to fatten their profits rather than easing the pain of patients should expect aggressive investigation and prosecution.”
Patel, 60, of Elko, pleaded guilty in November 2018, to the distribution of controlled substances, and was indicted by a grand jury in December 2017. His DEA license was suspended upon his arrest in December 2017. He owned and operated Northeastern Nevada Cardiology. In addition to the prison term, U.S. District Judge Larry R. Hicks sentenced Patel to three years of supervised release and ordered him to pay a $500,000 fine. Patel was ordered to self-surrender to begin serving his sentence on August 6, 2019.
Between September 2015 and February 2016, he prescribed Oxycodone and Hydrocodone to patients without a legitimate medical purpose and outside the usual course of professional practice. His prescribing practices allowed him to see a high volume of patients and easily prescribe opioids, while not addressing any legitimate medical concerns of his patients.
Previously reported news by vegasdesi.com on Dr. Devendra Patel…
Cardiologist Dr. Devendra Patel Pleads Guilty To Unlawful Distribution Of Oxycodone And Hydrocodone
Medical Board Files Complaint Against Dr. Devendra Patel for Malpractice and Financial Gain