Milan Chatterjee Named Interim Community Relations Director of the Clark County Republican Party

Clark County Republican Party is pleased to announce the appointment of Milan Chatterjee as Interim Community Relations Director of the Clark County Republican Central Committee.

“We could not be more pleased to install a new and dynamic community relations team at this critical time in our organization’s growth. As we pursue every possible avenue toward getting conservatives elected to county, local, statewide, and federal offices this election cycle, Mr. Chatterjee will be instrumental in driving our transition to a more professional and modern community relations effort.” said Clark County Republican Chairman, David Sajdak.
Milan is employed as Associate Compliance Counsel at Las Vegas Sands Corporation and currently serves as the President of the South Asian Bar Association of Las Vegas. Milan is a graduate of UCLA Law School where he served as the 2015-16 UCLA Graduate Student Association President.
Milan gained national attention while attending UCLA School of Law when he took a stand against the administration’s failure to curtail attacks on him and potentially any other student by administrators and student organizations over the issue of the Graduate Student Association discretionary spending.
Milan Chatterjee will serve as Interim Community Relations Director as Chairman Sajdak’s appointee until an election can be held at a time prescribed by the organization’s bylaws.