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Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners Files a Complaint Against Dr. Nauman Jahangir, M.D., and Dr. Pavan Kumar Janapati, M.D.

The NV State Board of Medical Examiners Investigative Committee has filed a formal complaint against Dr. Nauman Jahangir, M.D., and Dr. Pavan Kumar Janapati, M.D., with a reasonable basis to believe that Drs. Jahangir and Janapati violated Nevada’s current Medical Practice Act.

Dr. Nauman Jahangir, M.D. – The Investigative Complaint accuses Dr. Jahangir of two counts of the violation of statutes and regulations of the Nevada Revised Statutes related to medical practice in Nevada. The allegations include medical malpractice and violations of the standard of practice established by regulation.

The first count accuses Dr. Jahangir of malpractice, which the statutes define as the failure of a physician in treating a patient to use the reasonable care, skill, or knowledge ordinarily used under similar circumstances.

Per the complaint, it is alleged that Dr. Jahangir failed to perform a biopsy of the patient’s esophagus after noting an abnormality he visualized during his endoscopy of the patient. Additionally, allegations include that Dr. Jahangir failed to correlate all corroborating evidence demonstrating that the patient under his care had a high-risk, potentially malignant lesion in her esophagus from multiple findings, including the patient’s Gastroenterologist physician’s endoscopic finding. Per the complaint, Dr. Jahangir noted the GI physician’s findings from the esophageal endoscopy but disregarded those findings and still recommended surgery for an aberrant right subclavian artery.

On the second count, Dr. Jahangir is charged with violating the standards of practice established by the regulation. As per the Medical Practice Act, a physician is required to seek consultation with another provider of health care in doubtful or difficult cases whenever it appears that consultation may enhance the quality of medical services. It is alleged Dr. Jahangir failed to seek consultation with the referring GI physician in a timely manner regarding the patient’s medical condition. 

Dr. Pavan Kumar Janapati, M.D. –  The Investigative Committee of the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners filed a formal Complaint against Pavan Kumar Janapati, M.D., alleging two violations of the Nevada Medical Practice Acts, including one count of malpractice and one count of failure to maintain complete medical records.

Per the investigative complaint, a patient was admitted to Horizon Specialty Hospital of Henderson, a long-term acute care hospital, where Dr. Janapati diagnosed the patient with multiple health concerns including but not limited to debility, seizure, and cognitive disorder. Dr. Janapati noted that the patient’s physical debility was severe. 

One day, the patient was found on the floor by a nursing assistant after she fell from her bed. Dr. Janapati was notified of this event. It is alleged that Dr. Janapati’s subsequent progress notes contained only limited documentation of a musculoskeletal exam and that section of the exam remained identical to previous notes in multiple subsequent medical notes. Later, due to bilateral lower extremity pain and limited range of motion, the Nurse on duty ordered a right hip x-ray and a lower extremity doppler. The radiologist reported that there was a minimally impacted fracture of the femoral neck and an acute right hip fracture.

A week later, when Dr. Janapati saw a patient, there was no discussion of the acute right hip fracture. It is alleged Dr. Janapati failed to recognize that the patient had an acute fracture despite being notified about the fall. Dr. Janapati failed to discover, acknowledge, or follow up on the review of the patient’s x-ray results as her responsible care provider, leading to a delay in recognizing and treating her right hip fracture.

On the second count, it is alleged Dr. Janapati failed to maintain complete medical records relating to the patient’s diagnosis, treatment, and care, as the medical records were not timely, legible, accurate, and complete. 

Per the NRS, Dr. Jahangir and Dr. Janapati are subject to discipline by the Board. The Board will set up a time and place for a formal hearing after holding an early case conference. 

Dr. Nauman Jahangir, M.D., graduated from the prestigious Agha Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan. He completed his internship residency, followed by a fellowship in Cardio-Thoracic surgery from the State University of New York, Syracuse.

Dr. Pavan Janapati, M.D., is a Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences graduate from Bangalore, India. Janapati completed a residency in Internal Medicine from the University Medical Center (UMC), Las Vegas, NV.

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